Female External Genetalia (also called Vulva, Pudendum)
The vulva includes all visible external genital organs like
1. Labia Majora ( is homologous to scrotum in males)
2. Labia Minora ( is homologous to penile urethra in males)
3. Clitoris
4. Urethral opening
5. vaginal opening and hymen

Female Internal Genital organs
It includes
1. Vagina : It has anterior , Posterior and two lateral walls. The vaginal PH is acidic from puberty to menopause ranges between 4 and 5 and its attributed to doderlein bacilli which is present in vaginal as a commensal and which produces lactic acid from glygogen present in the exfoliated cells.
2. Uterus : Situated in Pelvis, Urinary bladder is in front and rectum is behind it. Weighs 50 to 80 grams and 8 cm long and 5 cm width at fundus, while its walls are 1.25 cm thick.
3. Fallopian Tubes are 2 in number and measures 10 cm long
4. Ovaries are 2 in number and are called sex glands which produces ovum for fertilisation.