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Anatomy of Male Reproductive Organs

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male organ
parts of male reproductive system

Male Reproductive System

male reproduction

External Genetalia – Male

It includes

  1. Penis 
  2. Scrotum ( is homologous to Labia Majora in females)

Penis : The male genital organ formed by erectile tissues,

  1. Corpora Cavernosa – which are two in number 
  2. Corpus Spongiosum – which surrounds the urethra and terminates as glans penis. 
  Penile urethra contains mucus glans called, glands of little throughout its length.
Scrotum: The 2 Testes are suspended in a sac like structure called Scrotum. 

Internal Genital organs

It includes

  1. Testis
  2. Epididymis
  3. Vas deferens
  4. Seminal vesicle
  5. Prostate gland
  6.  Penile urethra (is homologous to Labia Minora in females)

Testis: They are the Primary sex organs in Males and are 2 in  number. Each weighs around 15g to 19g and are about 5 x 3 cm. 

Epididymis: It’s a 4 meter long convoluted tubule.

Vas deferens: Also called ductus deferens or spermatic deferens or sperm duct. At caudal pole or tail end , epididymis turns sharply and continues as vas deferens without any identifiable demarcation.

Seminal vesicle: Secretes seminal fluid which is either neutral or slightly alkaline in nature and forms 60% of the total semen

Prostate gland: Secretes prostatic fluid which is thin, milky and alkaline fluid forming 30% of total semen.

Penile urethra: It’s longest part of male urethra and about 15 cm long.

  1. Image Source: Tsaitgaist [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons US Federal Government/National Cancer Institute. [Public domain]
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