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All about Cholesterol

different types of Millets

A Comprehensive Guide to Millets Types and Their Benefits

beetroot for diabetes

How Beetroot Helps Manage Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

height weight chart

Discover Your Ideal Weight: Comprehensive Height and Weight Chart for All Ages

indian diet plan for weight loss

Discover the Best Indian Diet Plan for Effective Weight Loss

jamun fruit

Jamun Fruit: The Purple Powerhouse

vitamin 12

Boost Your Health With Vitamin B12 Rich Foods

dragon fruit cut

Dragon Fruit : An Exotic Delight

Onion Juice

Onions: An Unexpected Remedy for Hair Loss

vitamin d from sun

Vitamin D Rich Foods: A Sunshine for Your Health

omega 3 fatty acids

11 Foods That Are High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

high calorie foods

High Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

dates fruit nutrition

The Sweet Treasure of the Desert: An Insight into Dates Fruit

Moringa drumsticks bundle

Exploring the Diverse Uses of Moringa Drumstick Pods

cauliflower vs broccoli

Broccoli Vs Cauliflower: A Detailed Nutritional Comparison

kidney beans or rajma

Kidney Beans Benefits and Side Effects

fox nuts

From Snack to Superfood: The Versatility of Makhana or Fox Nuts


Avocado Fruit Nutrition: Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts

Custard apple

Discover 11 Incredible Health Benefits of Custard Apples

Pumpkin seeds

Unlocking the Weight Loss Potential of Pumpkin Seeds

why protein powder per day

How Much Whey Protein Per Day?


7 Ways Kalonji Aids in Weight Loss: Power of Black Seeds aka Nigella


10 Health Benefits of Celery


9 Amazing Health Benefits of Quinoa


Walnuts: 7 Powerful Reasons to Eat Them

different diversity people blood sugar charts

Blood Sugar Charts By Age For Healthy And Diabetic Populations

black pepper

Black Pepper

sweet red wine

Sweet Red Wine


Fenugreek Leaves

pears of the world

Benefits of Pear Fruit

ash gourd

Ash Gourd

peanut butter spread

Peanut Butter Benefits: Exploring Its Nutritional Power and Health Impacts

kiwi fruit cut

Kiwi Fruit Benefits


Amla (Indian Gooseberry) Benefits and Side Effects

soya chunks

Soya Chunks: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Health Benefits, Nutrition, and Culinary Uses

Black coffee

Black Coffee for Weight Loss

dried cranberry

9 Dried Cranberry Health Secrets Unveiled

plant based grain

Best 12 Protein-Packed Grains for a Balanced Diet

high fibre foods

Best High Dietary Fiber Foods to Eat

Magnesium in chocolate

Top 10 Magnesium Packed Foods

snacks under 100 calories

Top 9 Guilt Free Snacks under 100 Calories

Basil leaves

Top 10 Health Wonders Hidden in Basil Leaves

high fiber fruits

9 Essential High Fiber Fruits for a Balanced Diet

benefits of morning walk

13 Compelling Reasons to Adopt a Daily Morning Walk Routine

low calorie foods for weight loss

Top 33 Low Calorie Foods for Weight Loss Success

carbohydrate loaded foods

Top 15 Carbohydrate Loaded Foods

sugarcane juice

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

1 pound into kg conversion

How Many Pounds are in a Kilogram?


Benefits of Blueberries

The Benefits of Coconut Water

Diet Plan for 7 days Weight Loss

calculating calories for weight loss

Calculating Calories for Weight Loss

whey protein scoop

Does Protein Powder Make You Gain Weight

Best fruits for weight loss

Best Fruits for Weight Loss

best breakfast for weight loss

What is the Best Breakfast for Weight loss

protein sources for vegetarians

Sources of Protein for Vegetarians

Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts

lemon water for weight loss

How to make Lemon water for Weight Loss

calories in coca cola

Calories in Coca Cola

calories in chicken breast

Calories in Chicken Breast

negative hcg but pregnant

Negative hCG Blood Test but Pregnant

is corn good for diabetes

Is Corn Good for Diabetics?

implantation hcg rise

How Long after Implantation does hCG Rise in Urine

invalid pregnancy test images

Invalid Pregnancy Test

small lump on anus

Small Lump On Anus About The Size Of A Pea

can i pop haemorrhoids

Can I Pop Hemorrhoids?

how to prevent piles at starting stage

How to Prevent Piles at Starting Stage

home remedies for piles

Home Remedies For Pains While Passing Stools

best tablet for piles pain

Best Tablet for Piles Pain


Emergency Contraception Pill or iPill

white rice vs brown rice

Calories in Cooked Rice

calories in watermelon

Calories in Watermelon

calories in apple

Calories in Apple

Calories in an Egg

calories in banana

Calories in Banana

how to avoid pregnancy naturally

How to avoid Pregnancy Naturally

chia seeds for weight loss

How to use Chia Seeds for Weight loss

sesame seeds

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

flax seed

Health Benefits of Flax Seeds


Health Benefits of Raisins

24 Best High Protein Vegan Foods

iron containing foods

Foods That Increase Hemoglobin Naturally


Benefits of Pomegranate

papaya fruit with seeds

Papaya Fruit

intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting to Lose Weight

abscess around anus

Difference Between Perianal Abscess and Haemorrhoid

skin tag

Difference Between Skin Tag and Hemorrhoids

Tetanus Injection Time Limit After Injury

difference between tetanus vs tetany

Difference Between Tetanus and Tetany

somogyi effect

Somogyi Effect in Diabetes

lose weight by calorie deficit

How to Lose Weight by Calorie Deficit?

daily calorie requirement

What is Your Daily Calorie Requirement?

How Does a Continuous Glucose Monitor Work?


How does Metformin Work?

do you need a tetanus shot?

Do You Need A Tetanus Shot?

high triglycerides

High Triglycerides and How to Lower them

Glycemic index vs load article

Glycemic Index Vs Glycemic Load

sugar vs artificial sweetener

Sugar Vs Artificial Sweetener

insulin resistance

What is Insulin Resistance?


Is Sinus Infection Contagious

10 sources of carbohydrates

10 Sources of Carbohydrates

Body Temperature in Fever


GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Pregnancy test negative but no periods

12 Causes of a Negative Pregnancy Test with No Period

Urine Pregnancy Test

Urine Pregnancy Test

criteria for diabetes diagnosis

Criteria for Diagnosis of Diabetes

What is an HbA1c blood test

pre diabetes

What is considered Prediabetes

diabetes 1 vs 2

Understanding the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

fly on food

What Happens When a Fly Lands on Your Food?

which concentrator to buy

Which Oxygen Concentrator to Buy?


What is Oxygen Saturation or SpO2


Dizziness or Giddiness or Head Spinning or Lightheadedness

cleaning phone with cloth

How to Clean Your Phone from Viruses

Kidney Stone or Renal Colic or Urinary Stone Disease

washing hands with soap and water

Correct way to Wash your Hands with Soap and Water

washing hands with sanitiser

Alcohol based and Alcohol free Hand Sanitisers


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS PCOD

carbohydrates sources

Carbohydrates And Its Sources

Difference between Piles (Hemorrhoids), Fissures and Fistulas

nipah virus

Nipah Virus Infection


Encephalitis And Its Causes

asthma lungs

Understanding Asthma: Symptoms, Triggers and Management


Hemorrhoids or Piles

irregular periods

Irregular Periods

symptoms of allergy

Allergy Basics: Types and Treatment Options

lasik surgery

LASIK Surgery

knee surgery

Total Knee Replacement

cataract surgery thumbnail

Cataract Surgery

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

weight loss program

Weight Loss Programs


Obesity and Body Mass Index (BMI)

Puberty in boys and girls

Puberty in Boys and Girls

female reproductive system

Anatomy of Female Reproductive Organs

male organ

Anatomy of Male Reproductive Organs

food poisoning

Food Poisoning

Small Pox(Variola) and Chicken Pox(Varicella)

swine flu thumbnail

Swine Flu or H1N1

Tuberculosis or TB

dengue mosquito

Dengue Fever

cancer in india

Cancer in India

salt or sodium chloride

Common Salt or Sodium Chloride

CPR group training

CPR or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation


ID and the ego

sleep disorders

Sleep Disorders


Generalised Anxiety Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

phobia or fear

Phobia Basics: Types & Treatment

neurosis vs psychosis

Differences between Neurosis and Psychosis with examples

psychology vs psychiatry

Psychology and Psychiatry



retinoblastoma thumbnail


lung cancer

Lung Cancer

blood cells

Hematology Basics about Blood and its composition

causes of cancer

Causes of Cancer

human cell

Human Cell

central and peripheral nervous system

Central and Peripheral Nervous System


Autism: Key Facts, Symptoms and Diagnosis

diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy

bell's palsy

Bell’s Palsy






Fainting or Dizziness

spinal cord

Spinal Cord

Parts of human brain

The Human Brain

structure of neuron

Understanding Neurons: Structure and Function Explained


Echocardiography or Echo

bypass surgery

Coronary Bypass Surgery

stent placement

Angiography and Angioplasty

heart attack

Heart Attack


Electrocardiogram or ECG

doctor measuring BP

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

electrical activity of heart

Conduction System of Human Heart

heart arteries

Arterial Blood Supply to the Heart

human heart anatomy

Anatomy of the Human Heart